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作者:由 adamlam99 發表于 詩詞時間:2022-09-15

DF967翻譯對比:奉賀陽城郡王太夫人恩命加鄧國太夫人(杜甫/Du Fu)

a。 Respectfully Commend Mother of Yangcheng Governor with Added Title “Lady of Deng State” upon Grace of His Majesty

b。 Respectfully Congratulating the Mother of the Prince of Yangcheng Commandery to Whom Imperial Grace Has Added the Title ‘Lady of Deng’

a。 translated by alexcwlin/edited by Adam Lam

b。 translated by哈佛大學的宇文所安教授(Prof。 Stephen Owen)


a。 Graces dished out at General Wei’s tent were plentiful。

b。 Wei’s headquarters enjoyed a heavy burden of Grace,


a。 Frequent good news come of Pan-Yu-like filial relationship。

b。 to Pan’s palanquin happy news is brought frequently。


a。 Commanding General is looked upon to save the nation。

b。 To save the age one looks to the Grand General,


a。 A title is conferred upon his beloved mother。

b。 an awarded title is borne by his loving mother。


a。 Fame and fortune should happen like this。

b。 Wealth and station should be like this,


a。 Distinction and prosperity exceed those of equals。

b。 honor and glory surpassing one’s peers。


a。 Domain of county follows the feudal land previously granted。

b。 His commandery is based on the land of his former fief,


a。 The state and your renowned name are both new。

b。 the domain that gives you great fame is new。


a。 Writing of imperial decree dances on paper。

b。 A purple edict, paper with phoenixes circling,


a。 Swallows come to congratulate at daybreak。

b。 in the clear dawn the swallows congratulate you。


a。 Smell of winter bamboo shoots come from distance。

b。 From afar is brought the flavor of winter bamboo shoots,


a。 Colorful clothes become more spring-like。

b。 one even more feels the spring with particolored clothes。


a。 For generations, scholar Madam Ban’s story have passed on。

b。 Across endless generations, Madam Ban’s history,


a。 Goodness spread to neighbors of Mother Meng。

b。 a lingering sweetness in Mencius’s mother’s neighborhood。


a。 Conducts should be righteous and disciplined。

b。 She also gives instruction in the ways of right conduct,


a。 Both diction and writing are heavenly。

b。 in mastery of the brush, both are as if inspired by the gods。


a。 He stays low to look after parent。

b。 With humble solicitude, his person looks up to you,


a。 Then he flies high to repay His Majesty’s benevolence。

b。 then flies off on high to repay his lord。


a。 I’m deeply touched by his fidelity to Emperor and parent。

b。 I am touched by how loyalty and filiality,


a。 Both graces should be painted on wall of Unicorn Hall。

b。 both lovely things, will be painted in Unicorn Gallery。




標簽: his  like  should  mother  upon