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作者:由 電氣小混混 發表于 歷史時間:2015-11-20







The temporary hole left by the eclipse will be filled by

natural gas plants

, which fire up relatively quickly, and possibly by the release of extra hydropower。 And utilities have the option of communicating directly with heavy power users—big manufacturing facilities, for instance—and

asking them to slow down production for an hour to ease the burden

。 It’s a bit like an orchestra conductor calling on an array of instruments in real time to keep up a steady flow of music。

Moreover, Kramer pointed out that the eclipse won’t happen all at once; it’s not like flipping a switch。 As the moon’s shadow moves across the country, the impact on solar will be phased in and out geographically。

A final option is

energy storage

, where solar power from the previous day could be kept in giant batteries and released during the eclipse。 Utility-scale storage is still in its infancy, and it won’t be on the table next week。 But a representative for Germany’s solar energy trade association said that solution could be up and running in time for the next major eclipse … in 2048。



PV Leistung in Deutschland




















phase 1(06:15-9:45)——->PV power generation increased gradually to 13。4GW——->


phase 2:(9:45-11:00)——->PV power generation decline sharply to 5。5GW——->


phase 3:1H15M(11:00-12:00)——->PV power generation increased sharply to 19。3GW——->




標簽: 日食  Power  Eclipse  pv  光伏