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Mortgage and Morgage-Backed Securities

作者:由 無情小超超 發表于 收藏時間:2019-11-15

1. Mortgage

Mortgage就是房貸合同,borrower要定期按月支付payment,如果不出現prepayment的情況,mortgage lender每個月都會收到定期的payment=interest+principal。 Mortgage依據利息是否固定分為fixed rate/ variable rate。一般來說在美國都是fixed rate為主,而在澳洲則為variable rate為主。

對於fixed rate mortgage,PV和monthly payment的關係

Mortgage and Morgage-Backed Securities

mortgage remaining balance:

Mortgage and Morgage-Backed Securities

mortgage schedule principal:

Mortgage and Morgage-Backed Securities

mortgage holder可能面臨的風險包括:

default risk:可以透過mortgage insurance/ check borrower‘s credit/ loan to valuation ratio這些方式來規避風險

prepayment risk:指的是borrower可能回提前還款的風險。borrower提前還款對mortgage造成損失(期望收益率下降)

可以透過對沖interest rate exposure

issuing variable loan

securities mortgage等方式來規避風險

interesr risk:the value of fixed rate mortgage decrease as rates incline

liquidity risk: morgage are illiquid instrument

2。 Mortgage-backed securities

morgage-backed securities簡稱mbs,也就是由房產充當抵押物標榜(underlying asset)的證券。從上個世紀70年代開始,倆家由政府資助的銀行Fannie Mae和Freddie Mac被允許從銀行手上購買private morgage。把這些購買來的private morgage放到一起(put them in a pool)。這些morgage產生的現金流不僅高收益高回報,並且還伴隨著相對而言很低的風險,因此廣為投資者所喜愛。

A share in such a pool is knowns as mortgage backed security (MBS)

morgage pass through是最常見的mbs之一。從morgage pool中產生的現金流按比例的傳到投資人的手中:interest payment/ principle payment/ prepayment

3。 Collateralized Mortgage Obligation(CMO)

1983年,Salomon創造了一種更復雜的mbs產品,稱為collateralized mortgage obligation。和pass through不一樣的地方在於,

cmo是special purpose entity that is not owned by the institution that created or operates the entity。

cmo的特點之一是它裡面會有ABC之類的分級,其中A級security會最先收到所有的principle payment然後依次是B/C。所以這裡面security的maturity也是隨著等級的劃分而逐漸升高。

由於不同的tranche有著不同的maturity和risk profile,所以他們得到的yield也有不同。一般來說購買upper tranche的投資人面臨最低的違約風險

3。1 Prepayment risk:

prepayment risk是由於貸款人會提前還款而導致投資整個投資期間期望收到的利息就會減少的風險。比如說如果是一個425000的貸款,有著6。5%的利息。如果沒有提前還款的化那麼總利息會有542064;相反隨著提前還款速率的增加,投資人所得的利息將會逐漸減少。這樣對於持有pass through的投資人來說,他就無法對未來現金流有一個準確的預估:如果銀行利率下降投資人將會面臨contraction risk,需要注意的是,一般來說當利率下降的時候,

pass through的capital gain會不如一般的free-option bond因為pass through的持有人會面臨提前還款的風險

;而當利率上升投資人則會面臨extension risk,

由於extension risk的存在,pass through的capital loss會高於一般債券

對於prepayment risk,我們有倆種衡量方式,一種是single monthly mortality: the probability that the mortgage will be repaid in a given month;另一種是annual prepayment rate也就是single monthly mortality的12次方

我們有倆種常見預估prepayment risk的方式:

Federal Home Administration Experience:

use data on actual prepayment to determine the probability of mortgage being prepaid

Public securities Association Experience:

assumed 0。2% of principal is paid in the first month of the mortgage and will increase by 0。2% every month until month 30


由於利息的高低(refinancing incentirve)

房價的高低(housing prices):如果房價漲了那麼就更容易refinance因為LVR降低

季節性原因(seasonality factor):families do not generally move during the school year

mortgage的時間長短:一般來說人們都會較早的支付prepayment因為interest saving在早期越值錢

3。2 Process of securitization

整個債券化的過程是這樣:首先由銀行(批准債券的originator)把債券賣出,經過一些credit and liquidity enhancement等措施後,做成SPV,然後根據不同的rating等級對債券進行劃分,最後透過financial intermediary把債券賣給投資人。

Mortgage and Morgage-Backed Securities

3。3 Credit enhancement:

External credit enhancement

Guarantee from a third party

bond insurance

Internal credit enhancement

predetermined schedule (按優先順序償還債券本金,那些在所有patment之後再支付的給與相應的excess spread);

excess spread: the cash flow that remain after all of the scheduled periodic payment obligations are met; its the first line of defense against collateral losses

overcollateralization: the face value of underlying loan is larger than the security it back

reserve funds: a reserve fund is created to reimburse the trust for losses up to the amount of the reserve

senior/subordinate structure。

note: senior/ subordinate structure是債券結構中最常見的形式。subordinate會優先senior security得到prepayment,換句話說subordinate保護了senior bond面臨prepayment risk。因此在一個mortgage bond中,subordinate越多,對senior bond的保護性越好。

3。4 Risks associated with investing in ABS


structure risk

loss allocation: how loss will be allocated among the bond class in the structure

the cash flow allocation (i。e, the cashflow waterfall)

the interest rate spread between the interest earned on the collateral and the interest paid to the bond classes plus the servicing fee

the potential for a trigger event to occur prepayment

how credit enhancement change over time

asset risk

the credit quality of the collateral

the underlying borrower’s ability to pay

diversification of borrowers in the pool affect the credit risk (concentration risk)

thrid parties to the structure

credit guarantors

the trustee

3。5 不同型別的CMO

CMOs are bond calsses created by redirecing the cash flows of mortgage-related products so as to mitigate prepayment

3.5.1 sequential-pay structure

-對於每段時間的coupon interest,是按照outstanding principal支付

-對於principal payment。按照tranche的優先順序支付,先付完A級別的所有principal然後再付B,C,D

3.5.2 sequential-pay structure with an accrual bond class

-對於每段時間的coupon interest,都是按照之前的outstanding principal支付。而對於accural tranche,每一期的interest都是outstanding principal+preceding accural interest

-對於每段時間principal,按照tranche的優先順序支付。當支付完所有級別的principal之後,最後支付accural tranche。

特點:相比於之前的沒有accural bond class,這種方式會使得之前A B C的maturity都更短,這是因為本來用來支付accural tranche的intrest都先計提準備著,用來支付優先級別更高的tranche。而同樣因為如此,accural tranche的的average life會相對低一些

3.5.3 planned amortisation class tranches

在這個結構中,PAC擁有最高的優先順序。pac透過將現金流償還的不確定性轉移給support class tranches來減少自身的風險。因此pac擁有最穩定的現金流。

運作原理:如果提前還款快於預期水平,那麼support class就會吸收這些提前還款金額;而如果還款小於預期水平,則一部分劉翔support class的現金流將會劉翔pac層級。當S完全被付清後(沒有support class),這個時候所有的principal就都會流向pac。所以support bond相比於PAC bond比例越高,對PAC的保護越好。因為如果support bond are paid off quickly because of the faster-than-expected prepayments, there is no longer any protection for the PAC bonds。

4。 Collateralised Debt Obligations (CDO)

cdo和我們之前討論的cmo類似,只不過collateralize資產從mortgage變成loan/corporate bond之類。cdo的collateral也是進入spv之中,然後附加liquidity credit enhancement之類的。最後securties are issued from the SPV in a subordinated structure。和ABS一樣,cdos alter the credit quality through subordination

CDO同樣也不會改變underlying collateral可能帶來的風險,所以為了分散風險,我們可以採取以下措施



priority of payments of interest and principal

credit enhancement and guarantees

diversity of collateral

在對於CDO相關的資產定價方面,由於CDO相關underlying asset之間的複雜程度/ 流動性問題之類的,所以CDO的定價較為麻煩

Mortgage and Morgage-Backed Securities

Mortgage and Morgage-Backed Securities

Mortgage and Morgage-Backed Securities


why corporation may elect to raise funds via a securitization rather than a corporate bond?

there are 4 principle reasons: the potential to reduce funding costs; to diversify funding sources/ to accelerate earning for financial reporting purposes/ to achieve relief from capital requirement

比如說對於第一個原因:假設我們現在有一家公司A想要透過公司債券的方式募集資金,如果它的信用評級是BB,那麼它發行的債券等級也將會從BB開始。這是因為如果公司破產後,公司的所有資產都會被債權人所取走。而如果A單獨建立一個legal entity也就是SPV然後把相關的loan賣給這個entity來募集資金,當公司出現破產的時候,A公司的債權人沒辦法追回SPV中的loan因為他們不屬於A公司。

而當A公司建立的SPV發行這些ABS的時候,rating機構將會透過衡量SPV中現金流的credit來對相對應的債券來進行評級。比如說SPV這些資產的評級是AA的時候,A公司相對應的就減少了相對應的funding cost。

Do you agree with the following statement ' The PSA prepayment benchmark is a model for forecasting prepayments for a pass-through security'

No, The PSA prepayment benchamark is not a prepayment model because it‘s more like a market conevntion of prepatment behavior with several assumptions。








標簽: Mortgage  risk  prepayment  bond  interest