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作者:由 James 發表于 美食時間:2014-03-12

麥當勞和肯德基在國外是否被認為是垃圾食品?pansz2014-03-12 14:38:15

詢問過歐美人士,得到的答案是肯定的,他們確實屬於 Junk food。

不過這是翻譯的詞彙,Junk food(垃圾食品)是指高熱量、高糖、高脂肪,低維生素,低礦物質的食品。

炸雞與炸薯條類食品顯然屬於 Junk food,我們把它翻譯成垃圾食品。


麥當勞和肯德基在國外是否被認為是垃圾食品?知乎使用者2014-03-12 14:45:19



麥當勞和肯德基在國外是否被認為是垃圾食品?知乎使用者2014-03-12 18:09:41


麥當勞和肯德基在國外是否被認為是垃圾食品?匿名使用者2014-03-13 04:52:14

。。。In U。S。, People do believe McDonald‘s food is junk food。

There are mainly three reasons:

1。 People’s perception is that their food has high calories。

2. Their food is processed food. (none of the answers I saw hit this point)

It is not the ingredients of burgers that lack nutrition. It is the fact that they have been industrially processed which makes people think they are unhealthy.

In a word, the food there is not freshly cooked.

3. Cheap.

But is this really the truth?

Who knows。

McDonald‘s has been trying to lose the unhealthy image for a long time。 However, the association of McDonald’s with junk food is still so deep in people‘s mind。

McDonald’s has a section on their websites devoted to explaining that their food is not that unhealthy:

Nutrition Choices :: McDonalds。com

On there, you can find a calorie chart:




If this is the truth, then in theory its food is actually not that bad。 Calories from fat are a bit high but overall calories are pretty low (even though it still hasn‘t reached the degree of being healthy)

But they still can not convince people that their industrial process doesn't affect the nutrition in their food.

Anyway, the fact is, someone actually did lose 56 pounds eating only McDonald’s for 90 days:

Man loses 56 pounds after eating only McDonald‘s for six months

麥當勞和肯德基在國外是否被認為是垃圾食品?知乎使用者2014-03-15 01:43:12



標簽: food  McDonald  their  Junk  nutrition