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A lot of

作者:由 心馨 發表于 體育時間:2021-10-26

A lot of things don‘t go your way because you’re so laid-back。。

Muddle-headed is hard to get。 Be tolerant of anger and lenient。。

If there is a hug when you are sad, then cry hard。。

Good mood, bad mood are related to you, always ask yourself whether you exist for you。。

I hope you can spend your life in your own way, without undermining yourself with the judgments of others and without worrying about what everyone else is doing。。

From joy to devastation from anticipation to despair。。

Read more, think more, optimistic about life, have confidence in life。 The most important thing is to remember to smile every day。。

標簽: your  Life  way  Hard  mood