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作者:由 潛龍的英文筆記 發表于 舞蹈時間:2020-03-29


按字面意思理解,sideline就是邊線(a line that shows the position of the side of an area where a sport is played)

例句:The ball fell just inside/on/outside the sideline。

也可以指把…排除在核心之外;使靠邊;不重視 (to force someone or something into a situation in which they have less influence or importance than before)

例句:After I got pregnant, I felt that my bosses were sidelining me。

The vice-president is increasingly being sidelined。

還可以指副業;兼職(an activity done in addition to one‘s main job, especially to earn extra income)

例句:Jean teaches French in the evening as a sideline。

Mr。 Means sold computer disks as a sideline。


標簽: sideline  例句  要學  詞是  line