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radial velocity徑向速度是物理學名詞,一般指物體運動速度在觀察者視線方向的速度分量,即速度向量在視線方向的投影。又稱視向速度。

作者:由 英語新聞導讀 發表于 舞蹈時間:2022-08-22

Exoplanets around Proxima Centauri have been found using the indirect radial velocity method, when the gravity of an orbiting object tugs on a star and causes it to wobble slightly, rather than observing dips in starlight when planets pass in front of stars, called the transit method。 But this is the first time the radial velocity method has been used to find such a lightweight planet。

標簽: method  been  radial  velocity  when