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英文翻譯: 微笑向暖; 重拾高冷

作者:由 adamlam99 發表于 文化時間:2020-02-25

英文翻譯: 微笑向暖; 重拾高冷

Source: Zhihu

(prepared by: alexcwlin; edited by: Adam Lam)

Question #1

問怎麼分析The warm smile,if the quality這句話的語法??它究竟是不是一個病句??

alexcwlin comments

I searched the sentence on the internet, and the sources which quoted this sentence were all from China。

“The warm smile, if the quality” 微笑向暖, 安之若素 seems to be what it is referring to, but personally I have no clue what that English sentence means。

It‘s not good English anyway。

Translation “微笑向暖, 安之若素”

Meaning: 只要是內心始終充滿著美好,微笑中帶有陽光

1。 With peace at heart, your smile radiates sunshine。

2。 Your warm smiles mirror your untroubled mind。

Question #2


alexcwlin comments

Translation “想重拾久違的高冷,潛心學習,不管世間滄桑幾許


Resume an aloof attitude, focus on your studies, and dismiss what’s happening in the rest of the world。

標簽: 高冷  alexcwlin  warm  smile  sentence