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作者:由 seasea 發表于 書法時間:2022-06-15

縱覽2022年上半年雅思寫作考題,如果說相對比較新的題目的話,只有5/12的“透過網路技術來記錄個人事件而不是傳統的方式如照片和日記”,但是即便如此,這道題也完全可以歸為“網路技術和傳統媒介”的類別,算不上新題。除此之外,還有2/12 “老人退休後花錢於自身而不是留錢給兒孫”, 但是這道題可以歸為退休問題。這道題的寫作難度相對略高,但是起所蘊含的社會和價值觀很值得思辨。


10多年前筆者在滬寧各城講課和講座的時候曾經也試圖用一些“口訣式”“秘訣式”的方案來解決學生面對寫作話題缺乏idea思路的困窘,彼時彼刻他人也有很多嘗試,並且有一些為了商業運作的醒目識別,還取了一些頗為驚悚的名字,比如“裸奔法”等等。教育者商業化之後這些都是不可避免的,但是功效甚微,甚至會給人傳遞一個錯誤觀念,那就是寫作是可以模式化,思路也是可以模式化的,一切皆有捷徑可言,只要你出得起錢,實際上這並不可取。試想,如果一句口訣可以解決寫作考試的眾多話題,那麼只能說明這個考試沒有什麼價值。簡言之,要解決雅思寫作的思路,必須在準備階段熟悉其至少5年內的考題,雅思寫作的題目重合率非常高,雖然總題量很大,但是歸類之後,並不是多麼不可逾越的一個任務,如果這麼點整理,歸類,思考,練習的功夫都不肯花,而把全部的希望寄託在“山裡的神仙”一樣存在的商業化培訓機構和資本流量運作出來的“宗師”的秘笈,那被收割就是理所當然了(harvest chives)。



2022/1/8 讀大學是成功的最好方式

Some people think that the best way to be successful in life is to get a university education。 Others disagree and say that nowadays this is no longer true。 Discuss both views and give your opinion。

2022/1/15 社交媒體

Many people use social media every day to get in touch with other people and news events。 Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

2022/1/20 全球化下物品生產於他國

As global trade increases, many goods, even those we use in a daily basis, are produced in other countries and have to be transported in long distances。 Do you think the benefits outweigh the drawbacks?

2022/1/22 兒童肥胖問題

Many children are becoming overweight and unhealthy。 Some people think it is the responsibility of governments to solve this problem。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2022/2/12 老人退休後花錢為自己而不是給兒孫

In some countries old people who retire from work spend the money on themselves (e。g。 holidays) rather than save money for their children。 Is this a positive or negative development?

2022/2/17 很多城市投入便民腳踏車

Some countries spend a lot of money on making it easier to use bicycles in cities, why? Is this the best way to solve traffic problems?

2022/2/19 從網路獲取資訊而無需報紙電視

More and more people no longer read newspaper or watch TV programs to get news。 They get news about the world through the internet。 Is this a positive or negative development?

2022/2/26 從網路獲取資訊而不需要圖書館

Students today can easily access information online, so libraries are no longer necessary。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2022/3/3 網路對於個人隱私的問題

Today, many people put their personal and private information online (address, phone number, and credit card number) to facilitate everyday activities, such as banking, shopping, and socializing。 Is this a positive or negative development?

2022/3/12 新世紀人們生活水平提高

People who live in the 21st century have a better quality of life than people living in previous centuries。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2022/3/19 城市毀公園和農田造房子

Governments in many cities are using parks and farmlands to build more houses。 Is this a positive or negative trend?

2022/3/26 住房短缺只能由政府解決

The shortage of housing in big cities has caused severe consequences。 Only government action can solve this problem。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?



A: In some countries, it is possible for people to have a variety of food that has been transported from all over the world。 Do the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?


B: In the modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicine。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2022/4/16 透過網路獲取資訊因而無需書本雜誌報紙

More and more people are using computers and electronic devices to access information。 Therefore, there is no need for printed books, magazines, and newspapers。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2022/4/23 城市區域功能單一

In many cities, panners tend to arrange shops, schools, offices, and homes in specific areas and separate them from each other。 Do you think the advantages of this policy outweigh the disadvantages?

2022/4/30 人們更多時間不在家庭

Nowadays, people spend more and more time away from their families。 Why is this? What effect will it have on themselves and their families?

2022/5/7 出國工作生活

Some people think it is better to go to other countries for greater work and life opportunities。 Others argue that it is best to stay in their home country。 Discuss both these views and give your own opinion。

2022/5/12 網路技術記錄個人事件而非傳統照片和日記

Some people believe using modern technology (digital photographs, blogs) is the best way to record and remember important personal events。 Others think the traditional method (making photo albums, writing diaries) is better。 Discuss both views and give your own opinion。

2022/5/21 消費問題

It is suggested that everyone in the world should have a car, a TV and a fridge。 Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

2022/5/28 汽車帶來的交通堵塞等問題

Nowadays, cars and motorcycles make transport increasingly difficult。 Why do people continue to use them? What is the best way to stop people from using cars and motorcycles in cities?

2022/6/4 學生學習歷史

It is more important for school children to learn about their local history than the world history。 To what extent do you agree or disagree?

2022/6/11 退休後活得更久

Today many people live longer after retiring from work。 What problems does this cause for individuals and society? What can be cone to solve these problems?

標簽: 2022  people  think  disagree  do