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陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

作者:由 CraftPlus 發表于 舞蹈時間:2017-10-28

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西



陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西


Yu ZHANG|Ceramic Designer







陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

實地調研 Primary Research


The craft and shape of Dai Ceramics has inherited its traditional essence from Stone Age, throughout thousands of years of change。 While its shape hasn’t changed much。 Though it looks simple and plain, it has a historical precipitation。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西


It mostly suits for daily and religious need。 Until currently, due to its practicability, we could still see local Dai Ceramics made by different materials。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

創作靈感 Inspiration


Dai people admire nature。 A local person once told me during an interview, nature has provided abundant materials, even including life。 All we could do is to keep a sincere heart, use nature’s offerings, mud, to make vase, and decorate with the most beautiful flowerto serve our god and nature。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

他們將天地萬物融入親手製作的供品,剪入紙張、織入經幡、編入竹器,用於表達自己的虔誠。這種取自自然 用之自然的供養方式,以及這份以小見大,崇敬自然的精神,令我為之所動。

They put nature and everything into their handmade tributes, into paper-cut, prayer flags, bamboo ware for expressing their devotion。 What we use from nature, we return to it, Such a design idea and an admiration towards nature touches me deeply。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西


In Mengbanaxi, Dai people enjoys mixing metal with other materials。 They use gold thread in brocade, gold paint on Buddha Statue or architecture decoration。 Their fascinating combination with metals has offered me some inspiration。 Since the limitation of local mud, they are unable to mix metals with ceramic, it has become a pity and an opportunity。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

設計思維 Design Method


As a designer, I would like to maintain the traditional shape, convey their way of seeing nature in everything, and make it fit into modern aesthetics。 And I manage to use metal by what Dai people love, mixing ceramic with metal。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西


In this design, I chose three common utensil shapes, used porcelain clay to complete lower half and metal lines to simply draw out upper half of the design。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

設計發展 Design Development


Mengbanaxi is surrounded with endless mountains, naturally endowed landscape has enriched an unique local worship towards nature。 The most unforgettable scene is its overlook during sunrise。 Waking up early, we could see it as a land of idyllic beauty that makes us intoxicated and wish we may never leave。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西


As for the surface of the ceramic, I chose the special local craft from Yunnan to draw the natural scenery of layers upon layers of mountains across the edge between ceramic and metal part。 So it could enhance natural element。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西


I use grey and white as main colors。 The grey series maintains the color and texture of original local ceramic, which represents traditional aesthetic。 White series is used as a comparison, since its smooth, delicate surface shows modern aesthetic。 These two sets have a strong comparison on texture and color, but echo harmoniously, sharing us the past and present of Dai Ceramics。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

以往作品 Previous Work


My previous designs have been discussing the relationship between human and nature, Mostly they are daily and practical dinnerware and vases。 What I pursue, is to build up emotional links between utensil and user, I believe only a design with emotion can truly touch the heart of the user。


This design is an extension of my previous works, not only mixing with local worldviews, but making a breakthrough in traditional utensil, which is the first-time mixing materials to express finished product。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

專案感受 Program Experience


In people’s eyes, traditional folk art is obsolete, Only a few would look inside it and see its development。 Design comes from and interwined with life。 Craft+ has just offered such a chance to look back, and discover the original of design – folk art。 I’d like to make it fit into people’s daily life by redesigning folk art with modern aesthetics。

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西

陶瓷設計師 張玉:“突破工藝侷限,用金與瓷鑄就傣陶新生”|Craft+勐巴娜西





標簽: 傣陶  Nature  local  Dai  its