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作者:由 Tony老師 發表于 體育時間:2020-04-10


【Native Speaker每日訓練計劃-89系列】【88-06】經管 - GMAT閱讀專區

New Phrases

: Vale


學生代表,優秀學生; bun小圓甜蛋糕;小圓甜餅;圓麵包; bum流浪乞丐;無業遊民n/提出要;乞討;使不安;使灰心v/劣質的;錯誤的adj; saluta


第二名; land in top-tier professional jobs從事頂級專業工作; so far, so expected到目前為止,這是意料之中的;out-of-the-box開箱即用;go along with 服從;遵守;隨波逐流;generalist多面手;全才;通才;overthrow推翻;打倒; achieve big-time success; Taking risks and

going against the grain違背本來的原則;與…格格不入

;ripple effects連鎖反應;climb away from any trouble避開任何麻煩;Do you know which category you fall into? be locked in to 被鎖定到;Here‘s the kicker:關鍵是/需要附加說明的是;weave sth into our life; passion-driven teams; take a hit受到影響/衝擊;goes south事情走向失敗;

build up

their employees


a powerful team; limelight公眾注意的中心;Tony has now

been thrust into the limelight;

take credit for因……而得到好評;pass the buck推卸責任;place blame on others;

gather all the spotlights

onto themselves; In a heartbeat立刻;bare minimum最低額度;

put forth

my best effort盡我最大的努力;stature聲望;名望;身高;個子;Vi


維也納;plummet/plunge暴跌;速降;subdue制伏;征服;控制;抑制,壓制;oil insiders石油內業人士; a done deal已經談妥;木已成舟; overcapacity生產能力過剩; sth is warranted某物有正當理由,是有道理的;glut供求過剩;shale oil頁岩油;geopolitical rivalry地緣政治競爭;deceleration減速,降速;ensue接著發生;因而產生;thereafter之後;此後;以後;ensue thereafter; Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries石油輸出國組織;be poised to準備做;sharp downward spiral(n);

the lifting of international sanctions

制裁 against Iran解除制裁;meltdown熔斷;herald的前兆n;預示v; cartel企業聯盟;big hit巨大的成功/大的衝擊all along一直; the buildup of stocks庫存增加;secular現世的;世俗的/牧師;[宗]俗僧;俗人;俗歌;bargaining power議價能力;prices will remain subdued價格持續低迷; subdued悶悶不樂的;抑鬱的;默不做聲的;柔和的;壓低的;is intertwined with纏繞在一起;hike interest rates加息;dissension意見分歧;紛爭;不和;economic implications經濟影響/經濟意義;benign善良的;和善的;慈祥的;良性的;protracted延長的;protract延長;Visiting Fellow訪問學者;




New Phrases

: strike him in his head; come out on top出人頭地;拔得頭籌; adversary(辯論、戰鬥中的)敵手,對手; misinformation(常指有意提供的)假訊息;get into the meat of論述實際內容;proto-socialism原始社會主義;be vastly familiar with; fascist regime法西斯政權;martial law軍事管制;戒嚴;


paratists; sovereign state; vandalize故意破壞,肆意破壞; a peaceful unification; taboo禁忌的,忌諱的/禁忌,忌諱,戒律;禁止;避諱; bringing its up is very taboo提及這件事; meddle管閒事;干涉;干預;瞎搞,亂弄; meddle in China’s affairs; prod戳;杵;捅;催促;督促;鼓動; poke(用手指或其他東西)捅,杵;推;捅;戳; prod and poke刺探; its not the place of WHO to decide這不是世衛組織能決定的; this is the actual truth of the situation; preliminary investigation初步調查;pan


(全國或全球性)流行病;大流行病;predatory捕食性的;(在金錢或性關係上)欺負弱小的,壓榨他人的;be worse off情況更糟;faulty不完美的;有錯誤的; void: n空間;空白;真空/adj/使無效;宣佈…作廢取消;排洩; ally與…結盟; China is going around in an elaborate, confusing scheme; subpar products不到一般(或預期)水平的;低於標準的; anything of a low quality; go on about sth喋喋不休/繼續做某事; extract much of that equipment back from; conjecture猜測;推測;揣測;臆測; assertion明確肯定;斷言;聲稱;使用;主張; globe地球; covert秘密的;隱蔽的;暗中的; bot網上機器人;自動程式; dude夥計;男人;fleshy多肉的;肥胖的;肉質的;sow播種;灌輸;散佈;煽動/n母豬;disinformation(尤指政府機構故意釋出的)虛假資訊;constitute violent crime to you對你構成暴力犯罪;I don‘t really follow your logic here;


nnacle頂峰;Now we are reaching what

appears to be the pinnacle of Tim's logic

; earplug耳塞;allege(未提出證據)斷言,指稱,聲稱;batch一批;(食物、藥物等)一批生產的量;a bad batch; crack down on處罰,制裁; slam猛關(或推、摔、撞等);猛摔(或撞等)的聲音/使勁一推;猛勁一摔;猛烈抨擊; if you are on drugs; come down with染上了疾病;para


妄想症;偏執狂; go down有事情發生的意思; when all this stuff go down in Hong Kong; rioter暴徒;firebomb用燃燒彈進攻;media outlets媒體;downplay對…輕描淡寫;使輕視;貶低; downplay violence from rioter; set people on fire; stone people to death; dramatize使戲劇化;戲劇性地表現;誇張;brutality野蠻行徑;殘暴行為;suffrage選舉權;投票權;teat奶嘴;橡膠乳頭;(雌獸的)乳頭;suckle the teat; bend the knee to; staunch忠實的;堅定的; individualism個人主義; synonymous同義的;等同於…的;be synonymous with; Capitalist market資本主義市場;have yet/not to ratify the treaty正式批准;使正式生效; uncharitable刻薄的;苛刻的;冷酷的; Assuming intent is uncharitable刻薄的;苛刻的;冷酷的 at best and malicious con


torial陰謀的;密謀的 quackery 江湖醫術;庸醫行徑 (騙人的手段)at worst; conspiratorial quackery 陰謀騙局;oath宣誓;誓言;咒罵 swear under oath宣誓; don’t wanna do sth; vindictive想復仇的;報復性的;懷恨的;unsubstantiated未經證實的;未被證明的; stigmatize sb使感到羞恥;侮蔑; I can prove to you that; be


sth隱瞞; ballpark棒球場;(數額的)變動範圍;可量範圍; talk about

in the ballpark of

less than 1%; segment部分;份;片;段; Do you think the world should start segmenting and breaking into pieces; chick雛鳥;小雞;少女;少婦; bring up提及;common ground一致點;共同點;the hate towards sb is


過分的; 誇張的;虛飾過度的;delusion錯覺;I‘m not out to get sb惹惱某人; whistle blower告發者;multi-month; res


呼吸道的;ventilator通風口;通氣機;呼吸器; respirators呼吸機;politico政客;China deserves equal treatment on the international stage; insane精神失常的;精神錯亂的;精神失常的; bizarre極其怪誕的;異乎尋常的; based on little to no evidence; you owe it to your viewers欠觀眾的; insidious潛伏的;隱襲的;隱伏的;attribute sth歸因於某事;


lice惡意;circumstantial按情況推測的;視情況而定的;間接的;circumstantial evidence間接證據;be disappointed



標簽: into  sth  go  down  sb