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英文短語 right up one's alley 的意義及用法?

作者:由 Tudor 譯道世家 發表于 攝影時間:2022-12-24

英文短語 right up one‘s alley 在實際應用中的含義為“正中下懷,正合我意,完滿契合,完美匹配”,例如下列情況:

Scott’s been recruited to replace a stuntman injured in an action movie, which is right up his alley given many years of experience as a professional martial artist。


The quinoa and avocado salad is right up her alley as she is a devoted vegan。


Tudor 譯道世家:英文短語 bend over backwards 的意義及用法?

標簽: right  up  alley  短語  英文