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作者:由 雲想衣裳花想容 發表于 攝影時間:2022-11-21

l He’s in line to be investigated by police over what was found to be a faked will。

n 隨後

l But that wasn’t enough to wipe the trademark toothy grin from Tony Chan Chun-chuen’s face yesterday as shaped up to continue the fight for the fortune of Chinachem tycoon Nina Wang Kung Yu-sum。

n 齙牙的招牌笑容

n Shape up本意:改善,這裡指“還是能夠”,可以說“強顏歡笑”

l The eccentric Wang, by Chan’s telling, willed him her entire estate。

n 按照陳的說法

n Will,動詞,立遺囑,

n estate此指財產、遺產

l Wang was once accused of submitting a forged will。

n 偽造遺囑

l withhold relevant information from court regarding xx

n 拒絕向法庭提供有關資料

l 326-paged written judgement

n (書面)判詞,已經有paged了,肯定是書面的,寫不寫“書面”並不重要

l But whether he will have the same legal crew that steered him through the High Court to continue the fight is open to question。

n 律師團

n 不得而知

l Indications are that Chan is shopping around for alternatives。

n 物色

l 冒號:colon

l 立遺囑的人:testator,源於拉丁語testatus,如果一個人未立遺囑而死亡,法律上叫做intestacy(無遺囑死亡),該人稱作intestate(未留遺囑死亡者);遺囑的繼承:testate succession,繼承物:inheritance、estate(主要是不動產)

l 非限定繼承的地產(權):estate in fee simple,指任何親人和其他人都介意繼承的遺產;而estate in fee-tail 指限定繼承的地產(權),即只有一定身份的人才能繼承的地產權,如直系子孫。

l Execute a will:正式籤立遺囑;executed will:已完成遺囑生效的必要法律手續的遺囑;

n Execute a will並不是執行或者按照遺囑內容去處理遺產,在民事領域,execute a contract or an instrument指的是完成簽字、蓋章、交付等使契約、檔案生效的必要手續,所以,execute a will指的是由立遺囑人在遺囑上簽字,並經兩位證人在場簽字以證明使遺囑正式生效的程式。

l Probate(主要是名次,偶爾是動詞),指遺囑檢驗或者認證,是一個確定遺囑有效或者無效的司法程式。本文涉及的案子叫:probate case

l 法律文字中常見配對詞:last will and testament,只譯作:遺囑(不說最後的證言)

l 法官斷案的常見動詞有:find、judge、adjudge(更正式:(依法律的裁定) 將判歸 [合法之所有人])、adjudicate、pass judgment(注意拼寫)、decide、condemn、convict、rule、sentence、award等

l 香港的法庭共分為四個等級:

n 裁判法庭:magistracy court;與最低一級平行的還有若干更加專業的審裁處:Tribunal,eg:小額錢債審裁處:Small Claim Tribunal等

n 區域法庭:district court

n 高等法院:high court

u 原訟法庭:court of first instance

u 上訴法庭:court of appeal

n 終審法庭:court of final appeal

l In the region of HK$300 m 大約3億港元

l 被動語態處理:

n 將西語中的被動句改成中文的主動句:

u Other questions will

be discussed

briefly。 其它問題將簡單地加以討論。

u In other words mineral substances which are found on earth must be extracted by digging,

boring holes

(鑽孔), artificial explosions, or similar operations which make them available to us。 換言之,礦物就是存在於地球上,但須經過挖掘、鑽孔、人工爆破或類似作業才能獲得的物質。

u Nuclear power’s danger to health, safety, and even life itself can be summed up in one word: radiation。 核能對健康、安全,甚至對生命本身構成的危險可以用一個詞——輻射來概括。

n 將西語中的主語設為賓語:

u It would be argued that … 可能有人會指出……

u It is often said that …人們常說……

n 將英語原文中的by、in、for等作狀語的介詞短語翻譯成譯文的主語,英語中的主語變成賓語

u A right kind of fuel is needed for an atomic reactor。 原子能反應堆需要合適的燃料。

u By the end of the war, 800 people had been saved by the organization。 大戰結束時,這個組織拯救了800人。

n 翻譯成漢語的無主句

u Great efforts should be made to inform young people especially the dreadful consequences of taking up the habit。 應該盡最大努力告誡年輕人吸菸的危害,特別是染上煙癮的可怕後果。

l Justice of peace:治安官、太平紳士,級別最低的裁判官;warrant:手令;constable:警員(officer是警官)

l On summary conviction 經循簡易程式定罪;on conviction on indictment, 經循公訴程式定罪

l No constable shall search a person of the opposite sex。 任何警員不得搜差異性——任何警員不得對異性搜身

l If the warrant so provides ……規定

l 英國政府部門的翻譯

n Prime Minister, First lord of the Treasury and Minister for the Civil Service 首相、首席財政大臣兼公務員事務部長

n Deputy Prime Minister, Lord President of the Council(with special responsibility for political and constitutional reform)副首相兼樞密院議長(特別職責為政治及憲制改革)

n First Secretary of State, Secretary of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs 首席達成兼外交及聯邦事務大臣

n Chancellor of the Exchequer 財政大臣

n Lord Chancellor, Secretary of State for justice 大法官兼司法大臣

n Secretary of State for the Home Department, and Minister for Women and Equalities內政部大臣兼婦女及平等事務國務大臣

n Secretary of State for Defence 國防大臣

n Secretary of State for Business, Innovation and Skills 商業、創新及技能大臣

n Secretary of State for Work and pensions 就業及退休保障大臣

n Secretary of State for Energy and Climate Change能源及氣候變化大臣

n Secretary of State for Health 衛生大臣

n Secretary of State for Education 教育大臣

n Secretary of State for Communities and Local Government社群及地方政府大臣

n Secretary of State for Transport 運輸大臣

n Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 環境、食物及鄉郊事務大臣

n Secretary of State for International Development 國家發展大臣

n Secretary of State for Northern Ireland 北愛爾蘭事務大臣

n Secretary of State for Scotland 蘇格蘭事務大臣

n Secretary of State for Wales 威爾士事務大臣

n Secretary of State for Culture, Olympics, Media and Sport 文化、奧運會、媒體及體育大臣

n Chief Secretary to the Treasury 財政部首席秘書

n Minister Without portfolio(Minister of State)不管部國務大臣

n Other Cabinet Attendees出席內閣會議的費內閣成員

n Minister for the Cabinet Office, Paymaster General 內閣辦公室部長兼財政主計長

n Minister of State-Cabinet Office 內閣辦公室國務大臣

n Minister of State for Universities and Science 大學及科學國務大臣

n Leader of the House of Commmons, Lord Privy Seal 下議院議長兼掌璽大臣

n Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury and Chief Whip 財政部國會秘書兼下議院國會議員領袖

n Attorney General 檢查總長

l Invitation to Tender 招標書

l The Tender Form 投標書

l Proforma Reply 形式答覆書;proforma invoice 形式發票 Proforma financial statement 財務報告 document credit跟單信用

l Tenderer 投標人

l Tenders shall, unless otherwise indicated by the University, remain open for 90 days after the specified Tender Closing Date。

n 除非大學另有說明

n 投標截止日期

n 仍然維持其投標有效,即標書中提供的價格及其他條件仍然沒有變動

l CIF Hong Kong 香港到岸價Cost Insurance Freight FOB離岸價Free on Board

l Trade discount 原指:同業折扣,此指:批發價(靈活處理)

l Royalties 專利使用費

l Awarded Contract 批出的合約

l 名著《The Language of the Law》《法律語言》

l Quasi legal document 準法律檔案

l Under和pursuant to在表示in accordance with時只用於法律語境

n A non-governmental intermediary institution shall practice independently and impartally in pursuance of the law。 社會中介機構應當依法獨立、公正地展開業務。

l Taxable income 應課稅的收入 vs assessable income接受稅務稽核的所有收入(包括可以免稅的部分)

l 帶薪假leave pay、佣金commission、酬金honourarium或remuneration、約滿酬金gratuity、即時辭退費payment in lieu of notices、遣散費severance pay、年薪annual payment或annual emolument

l Proviso 但書:在一個條文的同一款中包含有兩個或兩個以上意思的這種結構的條款當中,如用“但是”這個連線詞來表示轉折關係的,則從“但是”開始的這段文字,稱“但書”。

n 刑法第13條 一切危害國家主權、領土完整和安全,分裂國家、顛覆人民民主專政的政權和推翻社會主義制度,破壞社會秩序和經濟秩序,侵犯國有財產或者勞動群眾集體所有的財產,侵犯公民私人所有的財產,侵犯公民的人身權利、民主權利和其他權利,以及其他危害社會的行為,依照法律應當受刑罰處罰的,都是犯罪,



l In the event that/of (his death)(表示罕見的,尤其是重大的、不幸的假設性事件)vs in case(表示小事)

l A legitimate son 婚生子 an illegitimate son 私生子

l 法律配對詞Legal pair;三聯詞 legal triplet;legalese法律行話;駢詞tautology

n Acknowledge and confess

n Aid and abet

n Aid and comfort

n Alter and change

n Authorise and empower

n Breaking and entering

n Cancel, annul and set aside

n Cease and desist

n Deem and consider

n Each and all

n Each and every

n Fair and equitable

n False and untrue

n Final and conclusive

n Fit and proper

n Force and effect

n Forgive and pardon

n Fraud and deceit

n Free and clear

n Full and complete

n Full, true and correct

n Give, devise and bequeath

n Goods and chattels

n Had and received

n Have and hold

n Hold and keep

n Hue and cry

n Keep and maintain

n Let or hindrance

n New and novel

n Null and void

n Remise, release and quitclaim

n Request and require

n Rest, residue and remainder

n Right, interest and title

n Save and except

n Seriously and gravely

n Sole and exclusive

n Will and testament

n Mind and memory

l 法律主體legal subject

l 無靈主語inanimate subject 有靈主語animate subject

l 條件句在文體學中叫做圓周句,通常是用條件從句來表達滿足結果的條件或情形,而結果則透過陳述形態的主句來表達,基本句型:If X, then Y does Z。

l 誹謗的不同說法:libel主要是文字、書面誹謗,slander為口頭誹謗,兩者統稱defamation;libel和slander既可以做名詞,也可以作動詞;而smear、gossip、insult、align、disparage、calumniate都是誹謗的各種手段

l 中國拘留分三種:行政拘留(治安拘留);司法拘留(民事拘留);刑事拘留

l The tip-off information 舉報

l Self-infliction;self-mutilation自殘

l During the crop-dusting operation;crop duster 噴灑殺蟲劑的小型飛機

l “負責”的不同側重:

n be responsible for 能力範圍內的或者自上而下的強制性“負責”;

n be accountable to 是下級對上級的“負責”;

n liability總是和金錢有關

n under the obligation of/be obliged to

n be in charge of, take charge of 職責,職務所需

n have the duty to 職責

l “沒收”:forfeit vs confiscate

n forfeit的主語一般是自己 eg:He totally forfeited his freedom when he was convicted of the crime。 當他被確定有罪時,就完全喪失了自由;做名詞解釋是forfeit指被沒收的物品或罰金;

n confiscate的主語是權力機構;常和impound聯絡在一起,不過impound是confiscate的前奏,意為“扣押”,扣押的最終結果常為沒收;

l “守法”的不同表達:abide by,observe,comply with,keep(從正式到不正式依次遞減)+in compliance with 和 in conformity with 表示“遵從”

l “不可抗力”的不同表達:unstoppable force, acts of god, irresistible force, force majeure

l 不說none-delivery,而是non-delivery

l 因為的感情色彩:owing to積極的,due to/as a consequence of/ because of中興

l 詞語配對:landlord vs tenant; leasor vs leasee甲方vs乙方;payer付款人vs payee收款人

l “xx化”的西文翻譯:

n 農業資訊化 to apply IT extensively to agricultural development

n 政府管理資訊化to promote IT for government administration

n 科技成果市場化、產業化 gear scientific and technological achievements to the markets/commercialize scientific and technological achievements

n 糧食主銷售區要加快糧食流通市場化程序the main grain-consuming areas should accelerate the pace of market-oriented grain distribution

n 中國經濟逐步市場化continue the gradual marketization of the Chinese economy

n 三大決策法律化gives the forces of law to the three major policy decisions

l First Schedule; Second Schedule 附表一、二

l 序言、開場白recital/preamble

l 香港在英國統治時期,根據《英皇制誥》,所有土地藉由英國皇室名義代持,稱為“官地”(Crown land),除了中環聖約翰教堂,屬於永久業權(freehold);香港賣地並不是真的將土地永久出售,而只是出售使用權(leasehold,租用業權),並附有期限,專稱為“批地”(grant);incumbrance則指附加與土地的財產上,使財產價值降低的請求權及其它業務負擔,各種留置權或抵押權都可以稱作“產權負擔”

l Deed of Assignment 轉讓契,deed:地契、業權證書、房產證,deed當中有“consideration”(對價)

l Possession will be retained and all outgoings will be discharged by the Vendor。 管有權將由賣方保留至實際完成交易之日,所有支出由賣方承擔

l 法律檔案中常見拉丁語:

n Bona fide 真實的

n Ex parte 單方面的

n Habeas corpus 人身保護令

n In flagrante delicto就在作案時,當場

n In pesonnam 對某人不利

n Affidavit 誓言、證詞;書面陳述

n Ex officio 按照職務或職權的

n Guardian ad litem 法定監護人

n In locum parentis 處於代理父母親的地位

n In rem 對物的

n Prima facie 初步的,表面的

n Verbatim 逐字逐句的

l Hire-purchase 分期付款,相當於美國的rent-to-own從租賃到擁有

l 賣據bill of sale指的是將動產透過擔保方式轉讓給他預設的一種契據

l Without prejudice to 的用譯法:在不影響……的情況下

n Without prejudice to section 24, the following shall be treated as properly executed。 在不影響第24條規定的原則下,以下的遺囑須視為正式籤立

n Without prejudice to the rights of the Attorney General …在不損害律政私權利的原則下

標簽: STATE  secretary  大臣  will  遺囑