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如何評價 BBC 撰文稱秦凱在里約奧運會上向何姿求婚是一場男權主導行為 (male control)?

作者:由 曹哲 發表于 遊戲時間:2016-08-17




Roger Rosario Pn

Male control? Wanting to spend your life with the woman you love is male control? Guess love is not genuine anymore , it‘s viewed as gender dominance taboo。 “Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil”

Male control?想和心愛的女人一起度過一生就叫Male control?我猜現在愛情已經不是愛情了,它已經被視為性別歧視的禁忌了。「那些稱惡為善,稱善為惡的,你們有禍了!」


Hani Moosavi

Again something being made out of nothing。 As or when she gets introduced to events she’ll be introduced as “He Zi: Olympic silver medalist” not “Qin Kai‘s wife”。 People need to relax and take it at face value for what it was, a marriage proposal。


Jennifer Jialin

don’t make a gesture of romance turn into a reason to talk about patriarchy 。。 there‘s sensible men in this world, you know。


Louis Perry

Probably not the ideal place for it , she could have said no in front of the world 。 Having said that he loved her enough to risk looking a fool on the biggest stage possible 。 Male control ? I can’t think of anything less about control myself , he loves her and asked her to be his wife 。 Simple as that 。

這可能不是最合適的場合,她完全可能在全世介面前說「不」的。話雖如此,但這恰恰說明了他多麼愛她,以至於他可以冒著在全世界最大的舞臺前看起來像個傻子的風險。Male control ?我從這裡看不出一點點control的意思來,他愛她,請求她做自己的妻子,就這麼簡單。

Katia Jensen

Whatever。 Stop making a storm where there is not one。

Male control。。。 So all guys that propose IN PUBLIC are exercising male control? Go work on some real news such as the bombings of Doctors Without Borders hospitals。

It was romantic。 Period。

Just today a hospital was bombed and BBC did report the news。 Need make more of a headline instead of a paragraph。


Male control……按你那意思所有當眾求婚的漢子們都在搞Male control咯?去搞一些真正的新聞成麼?比如無國界醫院爆炸事件。



Brady Hill

Male control? What kind of horse crap is this? Everybody always dreams about popping the question in a flashy way。 It‘s romantic。 Just stop。

BBC headline in twenty years: “Where have all the romantics gone?”

Male control?什麼狗屁玩意這是?每個人都夢想著這麼一個華麗麗的求婚,這叫浪漫,懂?趕緊閉嘴。




如何評價 BBC 撰文稱秦凱在里約奧運會上向何姿求婚是一場男權主導行為 (male control)?

如何評價 BBC 撰文稱秦凱在里約奧運會上向何姿求婚是一場男權主導行為 (male control)?

標簽: Control  BBC  Male  求婚  she