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如果想要做同聲傳譯,考MTI還是MA,有什麼區別嗎?空中傳譯2019-03-18 16:09:06

這裡有一篇“廣外2018年翻譯碩士MTI超詳細複試經驗” 希望能幫助到您一點。









注意:複試通知書帶兩份,一份交給學姐,另一份隨身帶著,筆試面試都要用到。報到的教室門口會貼一個QQ群的二維碼,所有MTI 複試生都會加到一個群裡。報完到就沒什麼事情了,可以去看看學校環境。


9:00-12:00 筆試。題型是Cloze+英譯中+中譯英,滿分100。

1.Cloze 30分。


【undoubtedly, represent, livelihood, filled, variation, less, intensive, experience, include, exclude, household, level, manufacturing, avail, compete, need, hazard, sector, adjustment, exclusive, security, participate, access, increase, decline, care, prescribe, economic, rank, compel】

More and more women are now joining the paid labor force world-wide。 They represent the majority of the workforce in all the _______ which are expanding as a result of globalization and trade liberalization—the informal sector, ________ subcontracting; export processing or free trade zones; homeworking; and the “flexible”, part-time, temporary, low-paid labor force。 Even in countries which have low _______of women paid workers, such as the Arab countries, employment is rising。

In South-East Asia, women ________ up to 80 per cent of the workforce in the export processing zones, working mainly in the labor- _______ textile, toy, shoe and electronic sectors。 In Latin American and the Caribbean, 70 per cent of _______ active women are employed in services。 Many women in South-East Asia are moving from ________ into services。

Long _____ from many paid jobs and thus economically dependent on husbands or fathers, paid employment has ______ brought economic and social gains to many women。 For many previously______ young women, the opportunity to gain financial independence, albeit limited and possibly temporary, has helped break down some of the taboos of their societies and______ on women’s behavior。

Any gains, however, should be seen in a wider context。 _______ economic and social conditions throughout the world, in particular declining household incomes, have _______ many women to take any kind of paid work to meet their basic _______ and those of their families。 The jobs _______ to them are, in the main, insecure and low-paid with irregular hours, high levels of intensity, little protection from health and safety _______ and few opportunities for promotion。

Women’s high ________ in informal employment is partly due to the fact that many jobs in the formal economy are not open to them: they are actively excluded from certain kinds of work or lack _______ to education and training or have domestic commitments。 The _______ of women’s participation in the informal sector has been most marked in the countries of Sub-Saharan Africa where sharp economic decline and structural _______ policies have reduced the official job market drastically。 As domestic markets are opened up to international ________ and quotas which restricted the quantity of imports from any one country are abandoned, cheap, subsidized foreign imports are threatening the _______ of many women small producers and entrepreneurs in “cottage industries”。 In countries such as India and Bangladesh, for instance, more than 90 per cent of economically-active women work in the informal sector at jobs such hand loom weaving。

In general, women are paid ________ than men are, and women’s jobs pay less than men’s jobs。 On average, most women earn 50 to 80 per cent of men’s pay, but there are considerable ______。 In Tanzania, which _______ first in the world for pay equality, women earn 92 per cent of what men earn; in Bangladesh, they earn 42 per cent。 Women also have less job _________ and fewer opportunities for promotion。 Higher status jobs, even in industries which employ mostly women, tend to be ______ by men。

In addition, women usually have to continue their unpaid domestic and ________ work, such as of children, the sick and the elderly, which is often regarded as women’s “natural” and ________ responsibility。 Even when they have full-time jobs outside the home, women take care of most _______ tasks, particularly the preparation of meals, cleaning and child care。


Modernization and economic development neither require nor produce cultural westernization。 To the contrary, they promote a resurgence of, and renewed commitment to, indigenous cultures。 At the individual level, the movement of people into unfamiliar cities, social settings, and occupations breaks their traditional local bonds, generates feelings of alienation and anomie, and creates crises of identity to which religion frequently provides an answer。 At the societal level, modernization enhances the economic wealth and military power of the country as a whole and encourages people to have confidence in their heritage and to become culturally assertive。 As a result, many non-Western societies have seen a return to indigenous cultures。 It often takes a religious form, and the global revival of religion is a direct consequence of modernization。 In non-Western societies this revival almost necessarily assumes an anti-Western cast, in some cases rejecting Western culture because it is Christian and subversive, in others because it is secular and degenerate。 The return to the indigenous is most marked in Muslim and Asian societies。 The Islamic Resurgence has manifested itself in every Muslim country。

East Asian societies have gone through a parallel rediscovery of indigenous values。For several centuries they, along with other non-Western peoples, envied the economic prosperity, technological sophistication, military power, and political cohesion of Western societies。 They sought the secret of this success in Western practices and customs, and when they identified what they thought might be the key they attempted to apply it in their own societies。 Now, however, a fundamental change has occurred。 Today East Asians attribute their dramatic economic development not to their import of Western culture but to their adherence to their own culture。 They have succeeded, they argue, not because they became like the West, but because they have remained different from the West。 Now that they are no longer weak but instead increasingly powerful, they denounce as \“human rights imperialism\” the same values they previously invoked to promote their interests。 As Western power recedes, so too does the appeal of Western values and culture, and the West faces the need to accommodate itself to its declining ability to impose its values on non-Western societies。 In fundamental ways, much of the world is becoming more modern and less Western。





14:00-15:00 心理測試。在電腦上答題,5分鐘搞定。這個不計入複試分數。

4月1號 面試

MA 7:45簽到,MTI 8:45簽到。










1. 複述。

今年很簡單,邏輯清晰,沒有口音。複述材料是speech repository上的一段影片“advantages and disadvantages on hitchhiking”。

2. 視譯。




3. 問答。












4月2號 體檢

7:00-11:30 所有專業都是這一天體檢,錯開高峰很重要。





如果想要做同聲傳譯,考MTI還是MA,有什麼區別嗎?R.divo2019-03-18 17:12:53

MTI ,MA 偏向理論

如果想要做同聲傳譯,考MTI還是MA,有什麼區別嗎?知乎使用者819Gr22019-03-23 20:23:54



如果想要做同聲傳譯,考MTI還是MA,有什麼區別嗎?aken2020-05-19 19:04:55


如果想要做同聲傳譯,考MTI還是MA,有什麼區別嗎?劉莎2020-05-19 21:14:13


標簽: women  _______  they  their  Western