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品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論閒情逸致 33

作者:由 豆子也是醉了 發表于 文化時間:2022-11-09

品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論閒情逸致 33







品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論閒情逸致 33

It is one of the defects of modern higher education that it has become too much a training in the acquisition of certain kinds of skill, and too little an enlargement of the mind and heart by any impartial survey of the world。 You become absorbed, let us say, in a political contest, and work hard for the victory of your own party。 So far, so good。 But it may happen in the course of the contest that some opportunity of victory presents itself which involves the use of methods calculated to increase hatred, violence and suspicion in the world。 For example, you may find that the best road to victory is to insult some foreign nation。 If your mental purview is limited to the present, or if you have imbibed the doctrine that what is called efficiency is the only thing that matters, you will adopt such dubious means。 Through them you will be victorious in your immediate purpose, while the more distant consequences may be disastrous。 If, on the other hand, you have as part of the habitual furniture of your mind the past ages of man, his slow and partial emergence out of barbarism, and the brevity of his total existence in comparison with astronomical epochs—if, I say, such thoughts have moulded your habitual feelings, you will realise that the momentary battle upon which you are engaged cannot be of such importance as to risk a backward step towards the darkness out of which we have been slowly emerging。 Nay, more, if you suffer defeat in your immediate objective, you will be sustained by the same sense of its momentariness that made you unwilling to adopt degrading weapons。 You will have, beyond your immediate activities, purposes that are distant and slowly unfolding, in which you are not an isolated individual but one of the great army of those who have led mankind towards a civilised existence。 If you have attained to this outlook, a certain deep happiness will never leave you, whatever your personal fate may be。 Life will become a communion with the great of all ages, and personal death no more than a negligible incident。




反之,如果你已將人類過去的時代作為你思維習慣的一部分,你的腦海中存留著人類緩慢地、一點點地從矇昧野蠻中掙扎而出的過程, 並且瞭解與天文時代相比,人類整個存在的歷史又是如何地短暫。我是說,如果這些想法已經鑄造出你習慣性的感受,那麼,你會明白你所進行的短暫的鬥爭其實並沒有那麼重要,並不值得你冒著倒退並重返黑暗時代的風險——要知道,多少年來人類一直在努力奮鬥著,緩慢地從黑暗中探出頭來。


品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論閒情逸致 33


品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論閒情逸致 33


If I had the power to organise higher education as I should wish it to be, I should seek to substitute for the old orthodox religions—which appeal to few among the young, and those as a rule the least intelligent and the most obscurantist—something which is perhaps hardly to be called religion, since it is merely a focusing of attention upon well-ascertained facts。 I should seek to make young people vividly aware of the past, vividly realising that the future of man will in all likelihood be immeasurably longer than his past, profoundly conscious of the minuteness of the planet upon which we live and of the fact that life on this planet is only a temporary incident; and at the same time with these facts which tend to emphasise the insignificance of the individual I should present quite another set of facts designed to impress upon the mind of the young the greatness of which the individual is capable, and the knowledge that throughout all the depths of stellar space nothing of equal value is known to us。 Spinoza long ago wrote of human bondage and human freedom; his form and his language make his thought difficult of access to all but students of philosophy, but the essence of what I wish to convey differs little from what he has said。




品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論閒情逸致 33

A man who has once perceived, however temporarily and however briefly, what makes greatness of soul, can no longer be happy if he allows himself to be petty, self-seeking, troubled by trivial misfortunes, dreading what fate may have in store for him。 The man capable of greatness of soul will open wide the windows of his mind, letting the winds blow freely upon it from every portion of the universe。 He will see himself and life and the world as truly as our human limitations will permit; realising the brevity and minuteness of human life, he will realise also that in individual minds is concentrated whatever of value the known universe contains。 And he will see that the man whose mind mirrors the world becomes in a sense as great as the world。 In emancipation from the fears that beset the slave of circumstance he will experience a profound joy, and through all the vicissitudes, of his outward life he will remain in the depths of his being a happy man。




品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論閒情逸致 33

Leaving these large speculations and returning to our more immediate subject, namely the value of impersonal interests, there is another consideration which makes them a great help towards happiness。 Even in the most fortunate lives there are times when things go wrong。 Few men except bachelors have never quarrelled with their wives; few parents have not endured grave anxiety owing to the illnesses of their children; few businessmen have avoided times of financial stress; few professional men have not known periods when failure stared them in the face。 At such times a capacity to become interested in something outside the cause of anxiety is an immense boon。 At such times, when in spite of anxiety there is nothing to be done at the moment, one man will play chess, another will read detective stories, a third will become absorbed in popular astronomy, a fourth will console himself by reading about the excavations at Ur of the Chaldees。 Any one of these four is acting wisely, whereas the man who does nothing to distract his mind and allows his trouble to acquire a complete empire over him is acting unwisely and making himself less fit to cope with his troubles when the moment for action arrives。 Very similar considerations apply to irreparable sorrows such as the death of some person deeply loved。 No good is done to anyone by allowing oneself to become sunk in grief on such an occasion。 Grief is unavoidable and must be expected, but everything that can be done should be done to minimise it。 It is mere sentimentality to aim, as some do, at extracting the very uttermost drop of misery from misfortune。 I do not of course deny that a man may be broken by sorrow, but I do say that everyman should do his utmost to escape this fate, and should seek any distraction, however trivial, provided it is not in itself harmful or degrading。 Among those that I regard as harmful and degrading I include such things as drunkenness and drugs, of which the purpose is to destroy thought, at least for the time being。 The proper course is not to destroy thought but to turn it into new channels, or at any rate into channels remote from the present misfortune。 It is difficult to do this if life has hitherto been concentrated upon a very few interests and those few have now become suffused with sorrow。 To bear misfortune well when it comes, it is wise to have cultivated in happier times a certain width of interests, so that the mind may find prepared for it some undisturbed place suggesting other associations and other emotions than those which are making the present difficult to bear。


哪怕是最幸運的生活,也會有糟糕的時候。除了單身漢,幾乎沒有男人不曾跟自己的妻子吵過架;幾乎沒有父母不曾因為孩子的疾病而忍受煎熬;幾乎沒有商人能逃得過面臨資金壓力 的時刻;也幾乎沒有專業人員不曾面對過失敗的時光。在這種時候,能夠對所憂慮的事情之外的東西感興趣,這是極大的福音。

在這種時候,也就是除了焦慮之外一籌莫展的時候,第一個人可能去下國際象棋,第二個人則去讀推理小說,第三個人則專注於大眾天文學,而第四個人去閱讀關於迦勒底的吾珥古城的發掘資料。這四個人中任何一人的行為都是明智地,而那些始終不曾轉移注意力,任憑自己被無法解決 的問題所籠罩的人,其行為則是不明智的,並且會弄得自己疲憊不堪,等到真正需要行動的時候,他已經無力去解決這些問題了。





品味羅素的快樂哲學:《幸福之路》-論閒情逸致 33

A man of adequate vitality and zest will surmount all misfortunes by the emergence after each blow of an interest in life and the world which cannot be narrowed down so much as to make one loss fatal。 To be defeated by one loss or even by several is not something to be admired as a proof of sensibility, but something to be deplored as a failure in vitality。 All our affections are at the mercy of death, which may strike down those whom we love at any moment。 It is therefore necessary that our lives should not have that narrow intensity which puts the whole meaning and purpose of our life at the mercy of accident。

一個富於活力和熱情的人,他會依託在生活每一次打擊之後所浮現的興趣愛好戰勝所有的不幸,而這個世界也絕非那麼悲觀,天無絕人之路。被一次或幾次失敗所擊倒,這不是證明自己情感的、值得尊敬的事情,而是缺乏生命力的、令人遺憾的事情。我們所有的情感都受死神的主宰,它可以在任何時刻奪走我們所愛之人的生命。因此, 我們的生活之路非常有必要變得不這麼狹隘,甚至將生命全部的意義和目的都放任偶然事件來操縱和擺佈。

For all these reasons the man who pursues happiness wisely will aim at the possession of a number of subsidiary interests in addition to those central ones upon which his life is built。


標簽: will  his  man  your  may