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作者:由 桂花甜的小鎮 發表于 動漫時間:2023-01-23

162在香港讀幼稚園K1(小班)最小年紀是滿2歲八個月,今年照常開學, “終於,你要上幼稚園了”

Finally, you are going to kindergarten.

163雖說有鬆口氣的感慨,但也覺得時間過得太快, “不敢相信你已經要上幼稚園了”

I can’t believe that you are already in kindergarten.

164學校給配了統一的帶有學校標識的書包, “你去學校時,就能揹著這個書包了”

You will carry this backpack when you go to school.

165陌生的地方,孩子可能不想去, “幼稚園是個好玩的地方”

Kindergarten is such a fun place.

165繼續安慰, “如果你去那裡,你就會有很好的老師和許多朋友”

If you go there, you will have a great teacher and a lot of friends.


You can play and study with your friends.


There is a big playground there.


You’ll see many toys and games that you don’t have at home.

169用吃來哄估計有效, “在學校每天下午還能吃到點心”

The school will serve a wonderful snack every day.

標簽: 幼稚園  will  go  學校  書包