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作者:由 英語考試Cat 發表于 書法時間:2020-12-19


Opinion Question Types


These questions include 1 opinion, sometimes prefaced (introduced) with a statement (considered a fact)。 The question then asks you for your opinion。



Types of these questions



... do you agree or disagree?

— You need to give your opinion (This type of question presents an opinion, and then asks for your opinion)

題目以”Do you agree or agree?“結尾。比如:

Some people believe that if people are allowed to work after the age of 60, it could cause problems.

Do you agree or disagree?

(2) “…

what is your view/opinion? ”

— You need to give your opinion。

題目以”What‘s your view/opinion?“結尾。比如:

Some parents believe that reading books for entertainment is a waste of children’s time. They think that their children should read only serious educational books.

What is your opinion?

How to Reply 如何解答:

In most cases, both bodies will support your agree or disagree opinion。 Be sure to reflect

100% decisive words

like ‘


’, ‘


’, ‘

most important

’, and ‘


’ in the statement opinion in your introduction and your body。 你的主題段落需要支援自己的觀點。題目中類似’need‘, ’should‘, ’most important‘, ’best‘的詞,最好在作文的首段和主體段也體現出來(這個點我會另寫一篇文章細說)。

Express your opinion, giving 2 main ideas, with body 1 explaining one idea and body 2 explaining the other idea。 給出2個主要觀點,主體段1闡釋支援一個觀點,主體段2闡釋支援另一個。

If you disagree with the opinion, then you need to explain why in both bodies。 如果不同意題目中的觀點,那就在兩個主體段中解釋不同意的原因。

If you partially agree, body 1 will cover one side and body 2 the other。 如果不完全同意題目中的觀點,主體段1和2分別闡釋同意和不同意的原因。

(3) “ To what extent do you agree or disagree? ”

題目以”To what extent do you agree or disagree?“結尾的。比如:

Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead.

To what extent do you agree with this statement?

Food travels thousands of miles from producers to consumers. Some people think that it would be better for the environment and economy if people ate only the local food produced by farmers.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

How to Reply 如何解答

This question allows more room for having a ‘partially agree’/’partially disagree’ answer, unlike most of the agree or disagree questions above。 In fact, for this type of question, sometimes the best answer is to treat it as a discussion type, whereby body 1 explains why you partially agree and body 2 explains why you partially disagree。 這種型別的作文,通常做法是不完全同意題目中的觀點,然後在主體段1中解釋同意的原因,在主體段2解釋不同意的原因。

(4) Positive or Negative Opinion Type:

This type of question is asking your opinion about a ‘


’ or ‘


’ or whether something is ‘good or bad’。 Since a trend or development, or asking about whether something is good or bad, implies one choice, you have to choose whether it is negative or positive。 It cannot be both。 這類問題詢問你對某種趨勢的觀點,某種事物或現象“好”還是“不好”。既然是“趨勢”/“發展態勢”,那麼positive還是negative,你只能選一邊。

These types of question:

Do you think this is a good thing?

— You need to evaluate the position presented in the statement/question is positive or negative。 你需要評估題目裡給的statement或question是積極的還是消極的。

is this (a) negative or positive trend (development)?

— You need to choose and give your opinion 你需要在positive和negative裡選擇一方,並給出自己的觀點。

Some people are fond of buying new gadgets, phones, or laptops. Is this a good or bad thing? Discuss your opinion.

Advertising is influencing people more and more.

Is this a positive or a negative trend? Give your own opinion and examples.

How to Reply 如何解答:

These questions force you to

choose an opinion, and you cannot have a ‘partially agree’ answer

It has to be either a positive or negative development overall

對於這類問題,你必須在good/bad, positive/negative裡選擇一方來論述,不能給一個“不完全同意”的答案。

4a. Reason(s) and Opinion

(this is also a ‘negative or positive’ trend type)

This type of question wants you to first explain the reason(s) for something and then give your opinion about the situation (positive or negative)。 這類問題需要你先給出某個現象/某事件的原因,然後給出自己(積極的或消極的)的觀點。

Types of these questions:

“Why is this and do you think this is a negative or positive trend?

"Why is this and what is your opinion?”

These days many children spend a lot of their time playing computer games but little time doing sports.

Why is this? Do you think this is a positive or a negative development?

How to Reply 如何解答:

In this essay, we first need to give reasons for something, and then in Body 2, we need to give our opinion about this situation。 Be careful always to note whether the word ‘reason’ (or cause) is plural (reasonS) or singular(reason)。 “Why is this” can be 1 or 2 reasons。

在這類作文中,我們首先需要給原因,然後在主體段2給自己的觀點。在作文中要注意’reason‘這個詞的單複數形式。題目中的’why is this‘通常對應1個reason (有時間的話寫2個reasons也可以);題目裡的’what are the reasons‘通常對應2個reasons。

(5) The ‘Should' Question:

This type of question may have 2 questions。 One question may ask for an objective answer to an objective question, while the second question directly asks you ‘Should’ something happen and is asking directly for your opinion。 這類題目通常有2個問題,一個讓你針對一個客觀問題給出一個客觀觀點,第2個問題裡的’should‘直接問你的觀點。

When‘ Should’ is being used as a question word, it is asking for your opinion。 問題裡面有’should‘這個詞,那就是在問你的觀點。

With the development of technology and science, some people believe that there is no great value of artists such as musicians and painters. What are the things artists can do but the scientist cannot?


art be encouraged more?

How to Reply 如何解答:

Answer the first question in Body 1。 In this case, the question is a report style question。 However, the second question, starting with ‘should’, is asking for your opinion and should be answered in Body 2。 主體段1回答題目裡的第1個問題。主體段2回答第2個問題。







標簽: opinion  your  question  agree  negative