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作者:由 臺獨必亡 發表于 舞蹈時間:2022-04-23

如何看待俄軍宣稱對馬裡烏波爾的控制?鋼廠為何不拿下?俄軍會輸掉整個戰爭嗎?華東區域板塊移動專員2022-04-23 19:06:35







如何看待俄軍宣稱對馬裡烏波爾的控制?鋼廠為何不拿下?俄軍會輸掉整個戰爭嗎?geiger44612022-04-23 22:19:57



如何看待俄軍宣稱對馬裡烏波爾的控制?鋼廠為何不拿下?俄軍會輸掉整個戰爭嗎?忠君愛國洪承疇2022-04-24 20:31:12


My fellow Russians

In the first phase of my 3 day war, we lost the Battle of Kyiv & lost 8 Generals

In the second phase, we lost our warship Moskva & are losing Generals now in pairs

So, after 59 days we move to the third stage of my 3 day war which will be even more glorious


A thread about the objectives of “The Plan” based on what I‘ve seen in Russia State TV and pro Russian Bots。 If we asume that everything is going according to plan the following objectives are under way or achieved:

1。 Reduce head count of russian army to save costs

2。 Send Generals to the front for reconnaissance to short cut communication and avoid enemy interception

3。 Get rid of corrupt Generals

4。 Create a new underwater front in the Donbas with the flag ship Moskva

5。 Make sailors aware that „SMOKING CAN KILL“

6。 Feint Attack on Kyiv with 40 BTG to reduce reenforcement in other areas

7。 Field testing of mobile turrets, which are cabable to operate independend from the tanks

8。 Force Finland and Sweden to join NATO to overcome logistical problems attacking NATO territory

9。 Get rid of old tanks to have enough storage capacity for T-14 armata

10。 Win the hearts and minds of all ukrainian people

11。 Bomb all Florist to ensure no flowers are thrown in the streets to protect soldiers of hayfever

12。 Live demonstration of Dos and Don’ts in the battle field。 This season focus on Don‘ts

13。 Get rid of Gold and Dollar reserves abroad

14。 Stop North Stream II (IMHO they should also focus on remaining pipeline capacity)

15。 Get rid of liberal IT nerds

16。 Get Borscht back home

17。 How to be ambushed

18。 Extend the military vocabulary:

POSMO exchange

(Prisoner of Special Military Operation exchange)

19。 How to fuck yourself on a ship。

20。 Support ukrainian farmer to transform their business from agricultural towards scrap metal

21。 Promote AdmiralGeneralTikTok Aladeen Kadyrov as next Russian Topmodle TikTok starlet


22。 Mark a new world record in

23。 rd Objective of “Russias The Plan”: Release and resettle Russian Bears in a foreign hostile environment。

24。 Recreate russian 3rd empire。 After zar’s empire and soviet empire and how it is going in Russia and on the battlefield one could call it “Russians 3rd Reich”

25。 Lose against UAF and NATO logistics to proof they have been right that NATO is the agressor

26。 Make Putin looking unhappy。

28。 Built a new open Eurasian Economic super power from Vladivostok to Pyongyang

What have I not mentioned????

如何看待俄軍宣稱對馬裡烏波爾的控制?鋼廠為何不拿下?俄軍會輸掉整個戰爭嗎?KaelemdenTheorox2022-04-24 20:37:53








標簽: 解放  get  烏波爾  rid  NATO