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作者:由 <em>英語</em& 發表于 曲藝時間:2020-07-31

“班門弄斧”,意思是“在魯班門前舞弄斧子(show off one‘s proficiency with the axe before Lu Ban, the master carpenter)”。比喻在行家面前賣弄本領,不自量力(show off in the presence of an expert;be conceited),與英文習語“teach one’s grandmother (how) to suck eggs”意思相近。

魯班是中國古代傑出的土木工程師和木匠(outstanding civil engineer and carpenter),他被尊稱為土木建築鼻祖、木匠鼻祖。



He is always telling the director how to run the business that‘s like teaching his grandmother to suck eggs。


Don’t teach your grandmother to suck eggs。 Bob has been playing tennis for years。

標簽: 班門弄斧  grandmother  SUCK  eggs  show