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211 【歷史上的今天】廢奴主義運動的先鋒有誰?

作者:由 47號學姐 發表于 歷史時間:2018-02-11



Feb 11, 1790


The Religious Society of Friends, also known as Quakers, petitioned U。S。 Congress for the abolition of slavery。

Why significant:

The Quakers played a major role in the abolition movement against slavery in the U。S。 Quakers were among the first whites to denounce slavery in the American colonies and Europe, as they questioned the morality of slavery and condemned slavery as un-christian。 The Society of Friends became the first organization to take a collective stand against both slavery and the slave trade, later spearheading the international and ecumenical campaigns against slavery。 Quakers have been noted and praised for their early and continued antislavery activity。


The Religious Society of Friends, Quakers, abolition movement, slavery


標簽: slavery  Quakers  society  Friends  abolition