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譯者詞彙量(英2.0):dysania,dysentery,dyslexia,dysmenorrhea,dyspeptic ,dystocia

作者:由 秦大川 發表于 遊戲時間:2022-11-06


8260, dysania /dɪˈsæniə/

n。 <罕>起床困難症



dystonia: n。 肌張力障礙

dysuria: n。 [醫]排尿困難

8261, dysentery [ˈdɪsəntri]

An inflammatory disorder of the lower intestinal tract, usually caused by a bacterial, parasitic, or protozoan infection and resulting in pain, fever, and severe diarrhea, often accompanied by the passage of blood and mucus。



amoebic dysentery阿米巴痢疾, 變形蟲性痢疾

bacillary dysentery桿菌性痢疾

balantidial dysentery小袋蟲(性)痢疾

ciliary dysentery纖毛蟲(性)痢疾

flagellate dysentery鞭毛蟲(性)痢疾

malarial dysentery瘧性痢疾

winter dysentery【動】冬痢

8262, dyslexia [dɪs‘leksɪə]

n。 難語症;[醫] 誦讀困難;閱讀障礙

8263, dysmenorrhea [,dɪsmenə’rɪə]

n。 [婦產] 痛經;月經困難

“痛經”用英語怎麼說? ( 此段摘自網際網路,版權歸作者所有 )

“痛經”醫學上叫dysmenorrhea,口語上我們通常說:painful periods或menstrual pain


①That time of the month 或者 that time(也就是每個月的那幾天)


The doctor says that women at that time of the month should avoid doing heavy work。醫生說女性來例假時不應幹過重的活兒 。

②MC(Menstrual Cycle)


What does exercise mean for the menstrual cycle?鍛鍊對月經週期有什麼影響?

③Aunt Flo大姨媽、例假

④My monthly visitor 每月來客

⑤Girl time 女孩時間

⑥Lady days 女士的日子

⑦My monthly 我的月事兒

⑧Strawberry week草莓周

⑨Girl flu 女孩流感

8264, dyspeptic [dɪs‘peptɪk]

n。 消化不良者

adj。 消化不良的;患胃病的;胃弱的

adj。 脾氣壞的:bad-tempered

The sultry day makes us dyspeptic。 悶熱潮溼的天氣讓我們變得脾氣暴躁

adj。 消化不良的:pertaining to, subject to, or suffering from dyspepsia

8265, dystocia /dis’təuʃiə/

N abnormal, slow, or difficult childbirth, usually because of disordered or ineffective contractions of the uterus 難產

標簽: dysentery  痢疾  TIME  adj  痛經