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作者:由 英語趣配音 發表于 遊戲時間:2022-10-22






1. debutante 上流社會年輕女子

釋義:a rich young woman who, especially in the past in Britain, went to a number of social events as a way of being introduced to other young people of high social rank(尤指舊時英國)初進社交界的上流社會年輕女子

相關片語:debutante ball 社交舞會

e。g。 She dazzled London society as the most beautiful debutante of her generation。她首次出現在倫敦社交界便豔驚四座,被視為同齡人裡最美麗的年輕女子。

e。g。 At a debutante ball, the expensively - gowned girls stand in a line to be introduced individually。 在社交舞會中, 女孩們身著高貴的禮服站成一排分別介紹自己。

2. celeb(celebrity的簡稱)名流

釋義:(short form of celebrity) someone who is famous, especially in the entertainment business(尤指娛樂行業的)名人,明星;名流

相關片語:- Internet Celeb 網紅- Celebrity Charm 名人效應- Celebrity Splash 名聲四濺

e。g。 He was more than a footballing superstar, he was a celebrity。 他不僅僅是足球場上的巨星,也是一位社會名流。

3. socialite



someone, usually of high social class, who is famous for going to a lot of parties and social events社交界名人

e。g。 A socialite is an individual, usually coming from a wealthy, privileged or aristocratic background, who has a high position in society and enjoys spending time attending fashionable social gatherings。社交名媛通常是富裕、有特權或貴族背景的人。他們在社會中具有很高的地位並且喜歡花時間參加時髦的社交聚會。

e。g。 She loved everything about the socialite status。她喜歡關於名媛身份的一切。



1. ostentatious 炫耀的;賣弄的

釋義:If you describe someone as ostentatious, you disapprove of them because they want to impress people with their wealth or importance。鋪張的,擺闊的;炫耀的,賣弄的;招搖的

e。g。 They criticized the ostentatious lifestyle of their leaders。他們批評領導們鋪張的生活方式。

2. boast 自吹自擂

釋義:to speak too proudly or happily about what you have done or what you own自吹自擂,吹噓,誇耀

e。g。 It may sound like a boast, but I truly am a genius。聽起來可能像在裝逼,但我真的是個天才。

3. brag 吹噓

釋義:to speak too proudly about what you have done or what you own吹噓,誇耀

e。g。Tom always brags about his taste in art。Tom總是裝逼說他自己很懂藝術。

4. show off 炫耀

釋義:to behave in a way that is intended to attract attention or admiration, and that other people often find annoying炫耀,賣弄

e。g。 She only bought that sports car to show off and prove she could afford one。她買那輛跑車只是為了炫耀她能買得起。

5. pose 裝腔作勢

釋義:(v。) to pretend to be something that you are not or to have qualities that you do not have, in order to be admired or attract interest假裝,冒充;裝腔作勢

相關詞:poser 佯裝的人


e。g。 He doesn‘t really know a thing about the theatre - he’s just posing!他其實對戲劇一無所知——他只是在裝腔作勢!

6. pretentious 自以為是的


trying to appear or sound more important or clever than you are, especially in matters of art and literature


e。g。 The novel deals with grand themes, but is never heavy or pretentious。


7. fronting 裝x


Acting like you are more, or you have more than what really exists。裝x

Front最為大家熟知的是其名詞意思“前面”,以及片語“in front of”。從這個基本的名詞意思“前面”,可以引申為一個人的“門面”,即別人看到的他/她的樣子,一副裝出來的軀殼,而真實的樣子則隱藏其後。最終,發展出“裝x”的動詞意思。

e。g。 Casey drove around the rented car acting like it was hers。 She was straight fronting。



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