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地道口語表達9--區分knowknow about somethingsomeone

作者:由 老宋albert 發表于 娛樂時間:2022-11-23


我們首先說下know/know about sth,然後再說know/know about sb,後者比前者複雜不少。其間還會講到know sb personally, know sb by sight/face,know of sb等相關的詞彙。

特別提下,寫這篇文章之前,因為對know about sb的用法吃不太準,還專門在國外ESL論壇上提問過,可參考下面連結:

I know someone

know/know about something

一、know something



Do you know the answer?你知道答案嗎?

I don‘t know her name。我不知道她的名字。

Do you know what time it is?你知道現在幾點嗎?


He knows a lot about the history of the town。他很瞭解鎮子的歷史。

Scientists don’t yet know why this happens。 科學家還不清楚這個為什麼會發生。

二、know about something

而know about,則只有一種意思,就是




know about

this Flynn thing? 你知道我們兒子自己給自己改名叫弗林了嗎?

I don‘t know。 It’s what he likes to be called these days。 我不清楚,他這些天喜歡人叫他這個。

Reza didn‘t even

know about

Ali’s terrorist connection。 Reza甚至不知道Ali和恐怖分子有聯絡這回事。

however, I must stress that there may be more missiles that we don‘t

know about

。 但是,我必須強調,(對方)可能有我們所不知道的、更多的導彈(正在秘密部署)。

I can’t believe the school system didn‘t

know about

this guy’s record。 I mean, that‘s pretty scary。 How could something like that just slip through the cracks? 令人難以置信,你們學校竟然不知道這個人是有前科的,真是很可怕啊。這樣的事怎麼會被漏過?

從上面可以看出,know表示知道的時候,主要是指知道某個事物的具體內容,例如知道答案,知道他的名字,知道現在幾點。而know about則是指知道某件事物存在。所以在以下例句中,know 和know about不能相互替代:

Now, there’s still no sign that they


that we

know about

the missiles。 Well, we‘re gonna keep it that way。 現在沒有跡象表明,他們已經知道了我們知道這些導彈的存在(有點拗口:)),那我們就讓他們繼續這樣認為吧(不要讓他們明白過來)。

know/know about someone

一、know someone



Don’t patronize me!

I know you.

What you‘re doing flies in the face of everything that your mother taught us when we were children。 別在這兒假惺惺說這些,我瞭解你(是什麼樣的人),你現在所做的這些已經完全違背了我們小時候你媽媽教給我們的東西。

you think you really know me? 你以為你真瞭解我?

第二種就複雜很多,表示“知道或認識”某人,但know和中文的“認識”一樣,意思比較模糊,我認識你,但你不一定認識我。我說我認識某某某,可能是說我和他比較熟悉,甚至是朋友,也可能我只是見過他,但兩個人之間並不認識; 還有可能只是電視上見過。

由於know意思的這種模糊性,所以經常需要用更多的詞來進行解釋說明,從而別人能明白你說的認識,到底是哪種認識,防止產生誤會。例如使用know sb personally, not personally, know sb by signt/face,never met等語句。而翻譯的時候,要根據語境來翻譯為“知道”,“認識”等,而不能都翻譯為認識。

語境1: 聽說過,或在電視中見到過,或在實際生活中見過,但兩人不認識:

- Do you know my friend Jack Smith? 我朋友Jack smith,你認識他嗎?

- Yeah,I know him, but I never met him。 是的,我知道他,但沒有見過本人。

- Do you know Kobe Bryan, the NBA star? 你知道科比布萊恩特嗎?就是那個NBA明星。

- Of course I know him, everybody knows him in China。 我當然知道,中國所有人都知道他。

You know me? 你認識我?

Only from the TV。。。 and the radio。 (以前)只是在電視和廣播上(見過)。

- Do you know my friend Jack Smith? 我朋友Jack smith,你認識他嗎?

- Yes, but he may not know me。 我認識他,但他不一定認識我。

語境2: 兩人認識,至少互相知道姓名

Do you know Clara?”“你認識克拉拉嗎?”

Yes, we’ve met。“認識,我們見過。”

In all the years that I‘ve known Ethan, he’s only been serious about two women。 我認識Ethan這麼多年,他只對兩個女人真正動心過。

do you know a guy named Jackel Hamilton?

of course, everybody knows him around here, he grew up here。

- Do you know Kobe Bryan, the NBA star? 你知道科比布萊恩特嗎?就是那個NBA明星。

- Of course I know him, in fact I know him personally。 我當然知道,實際上我們認識。


know sb personally

To know someone personally means : If you meet or know someone personally, you meet or know them in real life, rather than knowing about them or knowing their work。 To know someone personally means you have met them in person from time to time and have more than a passing acquaintance with them。


know sb by sight/face


To recognize someone or something based solely on appearance (without knowing any other information, such as a name, etc。)。

I knew him by sight but had never spoken with him。 我只是見過他,但從未說過話。

Even after working there for a year, there were still some co-workers I only knew by sight。 即便我在那兒已經幹了一年,但還是有一些同事,我認識但叫不出名字。

I‘d know the place by sight, but I don’t think I could tell you how to get there。 那個地方我也只是到那兒才認識,所以就無法告訴你怎麼去那兒了。

二、know about someone

know about someone還是有兩種意思,但意思相差比較大。

know about的



If someone replied with ”I know about him“, I‘d expect Jack to have been the subject of conversation recently。 I know what he’s been doing。

- Do you know my friend Jack Smith?

- Not personally, but I know about him。 He was in the news a while back; everyone was talking about him

這位native speaker說的非常好,剛好印證了先前我的模糊印象,因為我在提問之前模模糊糊記得看過一部電影,大概是說一個人到學校裡面找一個學生,他看到幾個學生走過來,就問你們認識XXX嗎?那幾個學生就笑起來,說: yeah, we know about him。 實際這幾個學生和這個人要找的這個學生並不認識,只是這個學生因為最近乾的糗事而全校都有名了。



則比較常見,一般的用法是在know about後面跟名詞或名詞短語,而很少跟人稱代詞。


- I know about Keith。 我已經知道Keith的事兒了。

- Know what about Keith? Keith的什麼事兒?

- That he went to Carl to cover up the Gibson boy‘s death。 Keith找了Carl去掩蓋那個叫Gibson的孩子的死亡真相。

- I know about the man in the storeroom。 I know that something bad is in this hotel。 (你別想騙我)我已經知道儲藏室那個人的事情了,我知道現在賓館裡面正在有不好的事情在發生。

- I know about your husband, I’m sorry for your loss。

最後,要提醒的是不是所有的know about都是上面講了半天的know about,而是know(瞭解,清楚)+about:

He‘s a great father, a great teacher。 He knows, like, everything there is to know about chemistry。 他是一個偉大的父親,一個偉大的老師,他了解關於化學的一切。

What happened to you? Really, Walt。 What happened? Because this isn’t you。 你怎麼了?真的,沃特,發生什麼了?因為這不像真正的你。

What would you know about me? 那你對我又瞭解多少呢?

對了,還有know of的用法,know of 和know about意思很接近,也是知道XXX的存在,下面這幾個例句,我現在也不敢說其中的know of是否都能替換為know about,我還需要繼續積累語感:

I don‘t know of any job openings right now。 [=I am not aware of any job openings right now]我不知道眼下有什麼職位空缺。

I know of her as a poet but not as a novelist。 [=I am familiar with her poetry but not with her novels]我知道她是個詩人,但不知道她是小說家。

Do you know of a good lawyer? [=can you recommend a good lawyer?]你能推薦一位好律師嗎?

“Does he have relatives nearby?” “Not that I know of。” [=I don’t think he has any relatives nearby]“他在附近有沒有親戚?”“據我所知沒有。”


語境非常重要,例如上面know about的兩種用法,可以看出不同的語境中其含義是完全不同的。所以看美劇電影的時候,特別強調對語境的把握,對上下文的理解。



標簽: know  about  him  語境  認識