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作者:由 半畝 發表于 文化時間:2022-10-16

蒯因《經驗論的兩個教條》中說的“物理物件”這個詞語是什麼意思或者英文原文是什麼?半畝2022-10-16 00:54:59

Physical objects, small and large, are not the only posits。 Forces are another example; and indeed we are told nowadays that the boundary between energy and matter is obsolete。 Moreover, the abstract entities which are the substance of mathematics — ultimately classes and classes of classes and so on up — are another posit in the same spirit。 Epistemologically these are on the same footing with physical objects and gods, neither better not worse except for differences in the degree to which they expedite our dealings with sense experiences。


蒯因這裡想說的近似於一種工具主義 (Instrumentalism):普通人以為真實存在的物體,不論大小,其實只是人類用來“整理”感官經驗的工具。所謂“汽車”,其實只是當我們體驗到一系列“汽車”的感官體驗時——轟鳴聲、車身的觸感、顏色等——我們將其統一整理為一個物體概念,冠以“汽車”之名。實際上有沒有這樣一個東西呢?那就不知道了。所以在這個角度上,蒯因說,其實物理物體、力和荷馬的神認知角度上,只有量的差別,本質上沒有差別,都是對人類感官經驗或高效或無效的「整理」工具。


標簽: 物體  objects  CLASSES  感官  another